Reading Passport
We have created a Reading Passport to inspire children to read the best literature available to them. Over the course of the year we would like your child to read 7 of the books from the list of 10 for their year group.
If they manage to read all 7 by the end of the year (or when they complete them) they will need to bring them back into school to receive a £5 book token. They of course can read other books throughout the year and we definitely encourage this as much as possible.
The books and stories are amazing, the best the world has to offer; they could read them independently, they could be read to, they could listen on audiobook or a combination of all 3. The important thing is that they understand them, can talk about them and hopefully will enjoy them!
They will keep their passports with them all through school hopefully finishing year 6 having read 42 amazing books
How do I get started?
The easiest way to get hold of these books is from our school library where children can take them home to read as we have 2 copies of each book. There is always the Gloucestershire County library where you can loan FREE ebooks of some of the titles ( ). Finally, owning these books is always wonderful and will brighten up any shelf so I’ve included links to Amazon for all of the books if you are looking for present inspiration.
Year 1
Year 2